Past Life Regression

Past Life/Current Life/Energetic Regression

So many of our life patterns are an extension and projection of the many realms that we exist in. We term these realms as past lives, parallel lives and so on. It is not so important for us to know how our energy field is projecting our current universe. However, it is important to understand that the energy field is changeable. We can change our energy field to create a new universe. 

The regressions help you explore unresolved pains, phobias, unwarranted fears, repeat patterns in life and even failed relationships, from another perspective…. the perspective of energy. With this new understanding, you will find many new answers to old patterns.

All MPFY guides are constantly guided by Mani, during the session, as they receive the answers for you.  Yes, all the sessions are channeled sessions to take you to the place of knowing where all your answers already exist. We do not know beforehand, whether it will be current life or an alternate life or the energetic imprint between lives that you will experience during the session. But with the help of Mani and Meenal frequencies, you are easily able to go to the source of a trauma, you will understand more about yourself as energy, why the patterns continue and how to break them! 

And from this place of knowing, you are able to shift your frequencies and  release some of the blockages easily. 


Charges for 1 session: Indian Rupees 8000 (Eight Thousand Only) :  The service includes one PLR/CLR/ER and 2 counselling sessions.

Currently, the following guides offer this service:

Amlan Mishra          Kanika Vaid          Mandeep Chugh          Mitali Jasapara

Yash Madaan (Hindi)

To set up a session, you can choose any guide and write to them through their link in the Guides Section.

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